I take it some of the brethren think it’s best to remain silent

By | 09/27/2021

As time slips by, I’m still waiting for some of the brethren I’ve approached about their own examples of them quoting the scriptures as they were before these sinister Bible changes started taking place. So far “zero” have responded to my inquiries.  I really shouldn’t be surprised at this fact. These are high profile brethren to be sure.

  1. John Piper’s DESIRING GOD YouTube channel has mega visits, and views daily. For him to admit these changes, I believe would loose him credibility if he stood alone telling others that it’s happening. One might think that he thinks he wasn’t per-destined to take a stand on such matters. Sorry, that’s a pun on brother Piper being a Calvinist in his beliefs. He, in at least two of his videos from the past, has plainly mentioned the missing verse from Isaiah 11:6 (the lion shall lie down with the lamb) The most recently revealed was in his interview with Rick Warren, dated May 14, 2014. The proof video referencing this incident can be seen by clicking this link, or watch it below this article. The video this was taken from is still online to this day! Click this link to view it. You’ll find the segment around the 38:30 timestamp. And it seems my questions have been muted from his channel.
  2. Brother Charles Lawson’s zion4131 YouTube channel has almost as many views a John Pipers. Brother Lawson is an in your face, fundamentalist, pre-millenial, King James Only preacher from east Tennessee. This dear man of God loves being a soul winner. He’s a dispensationalist to a fault, and loves teaching on the end times. When I made a video of him quoting something that no longer was in the King James, I pointed it out to him in a video showing that he had quoted the term “Holy of Holies” which cannot be found in the King James Bible any more. It’s been replaced with other terms. That video showing his quotes can be seen by clicking this link, or watch it below this article. Before I got a chance to ask the brother about this discrepancy, one of his evangelists from his church lambasted me in the comments section of the video. He saw his pastor quote the all too famous term, and he knew his pastor was a King James only man, but refused to admit to the evidence. Go figure. A few of brother Lawson’s videos seem to be removed from YouTube. And as for my inquiries, they’ve been deleted from his channel.
  3. Brother John MacArthur‘s YouTube channel, Grace to You, has just as great a following as the previous two. He’s been quoted, along with John Piper, and pastor Bob DeGray in this video the same verse from Isaiah of the lion laying down with the lamb. I have yet to try asking Brother John or brother Degray about their quotes. I’m still praying over how to handle that.

I don’t know. Do you think I ought to just leave well enough alone, and continue posting my proof videos??? No, I don’t think so…

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