Site Updates
- Site completely rebuilt after hack attack 2-18-2025
- 1 Timothy 4:1 added with a google natural books search link 1-9-2025
- Isaiah 11:6 restored wording updated 1-8-2025
- Romans 16:17 added 1-6-2025
- Romans 4:15 added with residual proof evidence link 1-5-2025
- Isaiah 11:6 Google removed all but one of hundreds of the natural results 1-1-2025
- Revelation 1:8 with evidence link added 6-8-2024
- Matthew 26:45 with evidence link added 12-13-2023
- Exodus 14:16,21,26,27 added 12-11-2023
- Genesis 22:8 added with evidence link 12-1-2023
- Song of Solomon 2:12 updated 11-19-2023
- Acts 11:7 removed from list 11-14-2023
- Isaiah 11:6 updated because of new evidence 11-13-2023
- Revelation 19:7 evidence link added 11-11-2023
- Psalms 91:13 was added 10-30-2023
- Isaiah 59:1 was added 10-27-2023
- Hebrews 13:8 with evidence link 10-26-2023
- Psalms 119:11 added with evidence and video link 10-25-2023
- Matthew 27:51 added with evidence and video link 10-23-2023
- Galatians 3:8 added with evidence link 10-22-2023
- Revelation 19:7 added 10-13-2023
- Acts 2:47 added with evidence link 10-1-2023
- Matthew 4:19 added with evidence link 9-19-2023
- Jeremiah 31:15 added with evidence link 9-12-2023
- Genesis 25:4 added with evidence link 8-26-2023
- James 1:5 added with evidence link 8-23-2023
- Ecclesiastes 9:7 added 8-13-2023
- John 1:21, 23, & 25 added 8-13-2023
- Matthew 26:52 updated and evidence link added 8-13-2023
- New Testament updated 8-9-2023
- Joshua 9:13 added with evidence link 7-23-2023
- Philippians 2:8 added with evidence link 5-31-2023
- Matthew 11:28 removed 3-23-2023
- Proverbs 1:7 added with evidence link 2-18-2023
- Proverbs 1:6 added 2-18-2023
- Malachi 1:2 updated and added evidence link 12-7-2022
- James 3:5 added 11-4-2022
- Genesis 7:15 evidence link added to verse 11-3-2022
- Malachi 4:2 adjustment made to highlight “you” in as it is today verse 10-30-2022
- Leviticus 25:12 was updated because a section was added to it – video evidence link added 10-14-2022
- Acts 15:17 as it was verse and evidence link added 10-8-2022
- Psalms 119:83 correction made to “as it was” verse ending from “kjv as it is today” to simply “kjv” 10-7-2020
- 2 Peter 3:9 added with evidence link 10-6-2022
- Luke 12:24 evidence link updated 10-5-2022
- Matthew 7:23 added with evidence link 10-3-2022
- Job 14:1 video evidence link added 9-30-2022
- Hebrews 9:22 video evidence link added 9-30-2022
- Proofreading and checking unverified verses 9-29-2022
- Isaiah 64:6 evidence link added 7-31-2022
- Isaiah 64:6 added with as it was 7-30-2022
- 1 Corinthians 11:10 evidence link added 7-14-2022
- 1 Corinthians 11:10 with as it was verse added 7-14-2022
- 1 Corinthians 11:15 with as it was verse and evidence link added 7-11-2022
- Psalms 78:24 added with the most likely as it was correction 6-21-2022
- Updated some spelling and punctuation errors to the “AS IT WAS” sections of the Old and New Testament pages 6-21-2022
- Old and New Testament proofreading and reorganization 5-24-2022
- Proverbs 14:12 added with evidence link 4-5-2022
- Genesis 40:1 search results added 2-13-2022
- Genesis 40:1, 2, 5, 9, 13, 20, 23, 41:9 added 2-8-2022
- Proverbs 13:24 added with evidence link 1-16-2022
- John 2:17 evidence link and as it was added 1-15-2022
- Genesis 7:4 & 7:9 evidence links added 1-15-2022
- Galatians 4:26 added 1-2-2022
- Numbers 3:12 evidence link added 12-26-2021
- Leviticus 15:29 evidence link added 12-23-2021
- Proofreading and checking unverified verses 12-4-2021
- Genesis 7:9 & 7:15 added with as it was 11-19-2021
- 2 Timothy 3:4 added with evidence link and as it was 10-28-2021
- Update the evidence link 2 for Job 1:21 10-19-2021
- Checks for residue in New Testament for those lacking proof evidence 10-18-2021
- Checks for residue in Old Testament for those lacking proof evidence 10-18-2021
- Genesis 2:18 was added 10-8-2021
- Psalms 119:83 added with evidence link 10-5-2021
- 2 Corinthians 9:13 removed from the New Testament change list and placed on the diligently seeking page 10-03-2021
- Ezekiel 13:20 added to Searching Diligently page 10-1-2021
- Romans 16:11 updated in it’s description 9-29-2021
- John 5:37 was added 9-27-2021
- Matthew 18:20 evidence link and as it was added 9-20-2021
- Genesis 17:10 added partial evidence link 9-20-2021
- Proof Videos link added to main page 9-16-2021
- Genesis 7:9 & 7:15 removed from main old testament list and added to the searching diligently page 9-6-2021
- Ruth 3:2 added with as it was and evidence link 9-4-2021
- 2 Thessalonians 2:8 moved to the Searching Diligently page 9-4-2021
- Searching Diligently page updated to clarify it’s purpose 9-4-2021
- Psalms 109:8 added to Searching Diligently page 9-2-2021
- Searching Diligently page added to site 9-2-2021
- Genesis 1:20 & 1:28 descriptions updated 8-31-2021
- New Testament checks for new residue 8-29-2021
- Old Testament checks for new residue 8-29-2021
- Romans 1:15 added with as it was and evidence link 8-19-2021
- Amos 7:14 notes added to this verse change for explanation 8-16-2021
- Isaiah 59:2 added with evidence link and as it was 8-15-2021
- Amos 7:14 added with evidence link and as it was 8-14-2021
- John 3:18 evidence link added 8-12-2021
- John 3:18 as it was added 8-11-2021
- Hebrews 11:34 added with possible as it was verse 8-8-2021
- Job 14:1 added with evidence link 8-8-2921
- Jeremiah 8:7 as it was added 8-8-2021
- Jeremiah 4:10 as it was added 8-8-2021
- Isaiah 53:5 as it was added 8-8-2021
- Isaiah 65:25 Evidence link repaired 8-7-2021 I’m 99% certain that we have reconstructed this verse as it was. The 1% is that possibly a small part of this belongs in Isaiah 11:6.
- Revelation 13:16 added with evidence link 8-4-2021
- Malachi 1:2 and 3 added 8-4-2021
- Genesis 3:19 added with evidence link 8-3-2021
- Proverbs 22:6 added with evidence link 8-1-2021
- Malachi evidence video link added 7-31-2021
- Genesis 1:20 evidence link added 7-31-2021
- Malachi 4:2 added 7-30-2021
- Links Page updated to include the Amos 8 Reddit Page link 7-28-2021
- Old and New Testaments, proof reading and looking for any supernatural changes on the site. 7-26-2021
- Matthew 2:6 updated with evidence link 7-17-2021
- 1 Corinthians 15:47, 48, & 49 added with evidence link 7-14-2021
- Matthew 7:22 added with evidence link 7-12-2021
- Over 12 pages of residue found today for Ephesians 6:16 and added to the Evidence link at 7-11-2021
- John 14:6 more evidence added to evidence link 7-8-2021
- Genesis 2:5 added with evidence link 7-6-2021
- Genesis 1:22 added with evidence link 7-6-2021
- Hosea 4:14 removed from list for further study 7-4-2021
- For some reason or another, every verse below Song of Solomon 5:8 disappeared from the page. The code was completely removed. Restored from encrypted backup 7-4-2021
- Genesis 1:20 as it was added 7-4-2021
- Genesis 1:20 added 7-3-2021
- Luke 17:2 evidence links added 7-3-2021
- Luke 17:2 added 7-2-2021
- Matthew 2:6 was updated 7-1-2021
- Mark 14:30 added with evidence link 6-29-2021
- Matthew 8:28, as it was verse added. Still needs definitive evidence link 6-24-2021
- Checked to make sure all links worked, and spelling for explanations on Old and New Testament pages 6-24-2021
- Genesis 1:28 added with evidence link 6-16-2021
- Leviticus 2:7 updated 6-12-2021
- 1 Corinthians 8:5 added 6-10-2021
- Luke 11:2 evidence link added 6-6-2021
- Exodus 4:24 added 6-3-2021
- Matthew 10:29 updated 5-31-2021
- Acts 20:27 evidence link added 5-30-2021
- John 12:32 was added with evidence link 5-29-2021
- Romans 11:26 evidence link added 5-15-2021
- Various spelling and punctuation errors fixed entire New Testament page 5-20-2021
- Psalms 119:105 added to the list 5-15-2021
- Ezra 9:3-4 added with evidence link 5-14-2021
- Exodus 2:18 evidence link added 5-9-2021
- Matthew 5 verses added where the was replaced with your, and thee was replaced with you 5-9-2021
- Matthew 10:29 more residue evidence added 5-7-2021
- Luke 17:35 added evidence link to many residue examples 5-6-2021
- Matthew 7:1 added 50 residue examples to this very famous verse. I’m hoping to find more 5-5-2021
- Matthew 10:29 was added with evidence link 5-5-2021
- Galatians 1:4 affected by supernatural change, evidence link removed 5-4-2021
- Leviticus 2:7 updated 5-4-2021
- Revelation 5:3 was added with evidence link 5-3-2021
- 2 Samuel 5:14 was added with evidence link 5-2-2021
- Hebrews 9:22 was added with 10 pages of residue 4-28-2021
- John 6:39 was added 4-25-2021
- AS IT WAS: Restored Passage underlined in red added to AS IT WAS: Restored Passage on Old Testament & New Testament pages 4-23-2021
- Added Contact Form to the site 4-21-2021
- Re-ordered Bible Changes into individual Book pages (Old Testament) 4-21-2021
- Re-ordered Bible Changes into individual Book pages (New Testament) 4-19-2021
- Main Bible Change page started showing major read errors in WordPress 4-18-2021
- Google Search Console changed to where searching is now even more difficult in Google Books 4-17-2021
- Genesis 19:7 was added 4-17-2021
- Verse Review 4-17-2021
- Colossians 1:23 added evidence link 3-29-2021
- AS IT WAS added to Ecclesiastes 10:19 3-28-2021
- Bible Change page changed to full width for ease of reading 3-27-2021
- PayPal Donation button added to the site 3-27-2021
- Exodus 2:18 was added 3-23-2021
- Genesis 1:1 corrected typo in description 3-22-2021
- Acts 12:4 added with evidence link 3-20-2021
- 1 Thessalonians 5:22 added with evidence link 3-14-2021
- Psalms 46:1 added with evidence link 3-14-2021
- Romans 7:21 added with evidence link 3-7-2021
- Genesis 7:9 & 7:15 added evidence link 3-4-2021
- John 11:25-26 added 3-02-2021
- Psalms 69:9 added 3-01-2021
- Mark 5:28 added 2-21-2021
- Corrected verse number of John 2:23. Was listed as John 3:23. 2-10-2021
- Luke 5:38 added 2-9-2021
- This Change List page added this site 2-9-2021